Poetic Justice with bad hair |
The conservative shuffle over to populism has finally broken into a
run. Unending economic hardship and liberal
cultural triumph have torn the white middle class away from their neglectful
conservative masters. While those
affluent overlords were swooning over no-capital-gains-tax
fantasies and drinking themselves deep of Social
Darwinist ideological purity, their downscale cousins were weathering
decades of lowered wages and lowered expectations. The America those workers knew, that
sustained them and valued them, has been dying, and they’ve become desperate for
a solution. Now a large section of the
supposedly conservative base supports a candidate
who has argued for raising taxes and lowering pay for the rich, who opposes
free trade and cuts to social welfare programs, and who condemns
the influence of money in politics. Donald
Trump is what happens when the interests and sensibilities of such a large
constituency are consistently ignored, marginalized and disdained. Trump is the blowback from conservative
Conservatism has always had a troubled relationship with its own
base. Modern American conservatism began
in the 1950’s as a small intellectual movement that coalesced around National Review magazine, which argued
over such things as whether the great British conservative Edmund Burke supported
tradition per se, or as a means to protect ordered liberty. They wrote homages to the
British ruling class and Generalissimo Franco’s enthusiastically Catholic
fascism – hardly positions likely to garner widespread support in a country
with such a small-d democratic political culture. Their anti-welfare-state positions gave them ready-made
supporters among the rich and the business community, but little more.
So they went shopping for a
constituency. Their first lucky break
was McCarthyism. The conservatives were
staunch anti-communists (opposed to socialism in general and Stalinism in
particular) and they were quite
happy to support a demagogue who accused liberal Democrats of being Soviet
spies. But McCarthyism was about more
than overblown fear of communist subversion, it was also a movement of small town
working whites against supposedly unpatriotic Northeastern establishment
technocrats. It was the first stirring
of right-wing populism since the decline of the Father Coughlin and
the America
First crowd in the early 40’s. That
is, it was a base of support conservatives could use to attack the New Deal.
But McCarthyism collapsed and the
conservative movement had to keep shopping.
This time they found a more reliable constituency: segregationists. Opponents of civil rights shared conservative
hostility toward the liberal federal government, and conservative’s natural
deference to traditional social hierarchy meant they had no compunction about
throwing their intellectual heft behind an explicit
defense of white supremacy. In the internal
Republican fights of early 1960’s they supported Arizona Senator Barry
Goldwater, a thoroughgoing conservative who forged an alliance of business
interests and segregationists by strongly denouncing both the New Deal and civil
rights legislation. By the time
Goldwater had become the Republican nominee in 1964, the ideology of modern
American conservatism had hardened into implacable resistance against the three
main threats to traditional American order: international communism, the
welfare state, and racial integration.
Conservatism was now an alliance of the capitalist class and white
supremacists, held
together by a program of resistance to the federal government.
As the 1960’s progressed and liberation
movements sprung up for not just blacks, but for women, Latinos, gays, etc.
conservative opposition to racial equity broadened into opposition to all
egalitarian social movements. Shrewd
Republican politicians like Nixon and Reagan rode white middle class resentment
of those movements all the way to the White House. The segregationists became the Moral
Majority, then the Conservative Coalition and, finally, the Tea Party; but they
were always the same rightward-leaning portion of the white working and middle
class base, afraid of social change and looking to conservative politicians to
halt it.
To achieve political influence and
power, conservatism turned itself from a genteel ruling class intelligentsia
into a broad populist movement. But it sold
its soul to do so. It chose
expediency over intellectual integrity, and it consistently appealed to the
darker impulses of its base. As the
situation called for it, it invoked the threat of Stalinist feds, shiftless Negroes,
feminists, child-molesting gays, welfare bums, union thugs, etc. It portrayed liberals as snooty,
condescending, feminized aristocrats, sipping lattes, nibbling French cheese,
disdaining working class values and wasting working class tax dollars on
undeserving populations. Conservatism
excused, justified, and encouraged the worst American instincts, and thereby
undermined its self-proclaimed project of moral renewal. It became gutter populism.
Gutter populism in the service of cynical capitalism, that is. In
policy, conservatives stuck to reducing the social safety net, de-regulating
the market, and allowing the unobstructed flow of capital, goods, jobs and
workers around the world. The cliché has
it that conservative politicians promised the base they would protect
traditional family values while all they were really interested in was
free-market economics. That’s true of
course. Reagan made the decision early
in his presidency to prioritize undoing the New Deal, not the Sexual
Revolution. But it’s not just that conservative
office-holders fought half-heartedly against abortion while fighting like
demons for upper-end tax cuts; it’s that they pursued economic policies – free
trade, relaxed immigration, social insurance privatization, de-unionization – that
working people generally
oppose! And working people
haven’t been too crazy about the results of those policies: stagnating wages, the
replacement of high-paying manufacturing jobs with low-paying service jobs, the
immiseration of small-town and rural America.
At the end of the day, conservatives gave them nothing.
To keep working whites in their
electoral coalition, conservatives had to do two contrary things: keep the
populist fires of resentment and paranoia burning high, but keep
them from spreading over into resentment of the rich. They called a market-friendly healthcare plan
socialism; they warned of death panels; they questioned the first black president’s
religion and birthplace – all to frighten and anger the base. They insisted the terrible liberal threat justified
the most ruthless tactics – shutting down the government, undermining the
government’s credit, stonewalling all compromise – and condemned as
insufficiently conservative anyone who dissented. And all the while they denounced resentment of
the rich as envy, progressive taxes as class warfare, reliance on social
insurance as irresponsibility, and the slightest trace of pragmatism or
moderation as profoundly un-American.
Needless to say, it’s not easy to
both intensify and contain populist passion.
Eventually, something had to give.
In theory, conservatives could have directed economic policy more toward
middle class interests, as many reformicons
have been urging. But no, that would
have undercut the central premise of American conservatism, that individual
wealth results from the
highest personal virtue. And for a
long time it seemed that thoroughgoing ideological conservatism was spreading
and consolidating among the white middle class.
Tea Party activists sure made a good
show of hating government programs.
But no, both the traditional
populism of American whites and their own real and pressing material
interests made genuine widespread conservatism improbable. We are led to the
startling revelation that a great deal of the conservative base has never really been conservative. In particular, they never accepted the notion
that what is good for the rich is always good for the rest of us. It turns out they hate Wall Street as much as
they hate Washington and Harvard and Hollywood. This has all been a terrible
to the conservative
chattering classes. After spending
decades indoctrinating the rubes, firing up their hatred of the liberal
establishment and the cultural establishment and the Republican establishment,
those rubes now direct that hatred, ironically enough, at their real enemies,
those alleged conservative masters themselves!
Working whites have stopped pretending to be conservatives, they’ve stopped
fooling both the conservative movement and themselves, and they’ve gone home.
To be precise, they’ve come to the
realization that American elites don’t really give a damn about them. Conservatives promised American unity,
prosperity and peace, all while inviting jobs overseas, allowing banks to crash
the economy, and invading a country that posed no threat to us. They carelessly discarded American jobs,
American prosperity, American lives, and – maybe worst of all – American
promise. The sold it all for a few extra
points on the Dow.
But liberals haven’t done much better.
Conservatives may have had ulterior motives for accusing liberals of
elitist condescension, but that doesn’t mean they were wrong. Since the time of Jefferson and Jackson,
American populism was generally a phenomenon
of the left, i.e. regular people fighting against exploitation by a rich
and powerful elite. But American populism
ruptured in the 60’s when the Civil Rights movement put liberals and working
whites at odds. This is the part of the
story we didn’t mention above: conservatives were able to attract large number
of whites in the 60’s and 70’s because liberals
were so willing to let them go. At
first liberals had tried to turn economic populism for whites into economic
populism for everyone. But many whites
resisted full racial equality and began
voting for thoroughly conservative politicians who, as we noted, were quite
happy to profit from white resentment. Liberals
abandoned the project of broadly shared prosperity and instead focused on
cultural emancipation for everyone who wasn’t a straight, white male. That emancipation was and is a tremendously
worthwhile goal, but excesses in pursuit of that goal further alienated the
white working class that until then had been the heart of the liberal base. Liberals and whites walked away from each
other, each convinced the other had shown itself to be unworthy of friendship.
We still live amongst the wreckage
of that Great
Rupture. Race, as always in American
life, has poisoned everything. Post-60’s
liberals, twisted round by white guilt, abandoned sober color-blind integration
for the romance of black nationalism and multiculturalism. They rejected the heroic and hard task of assimilating
blacks into the American mainstream and settled instead for the cheap tokenism
of affirmative action. That is, they
chose sanctimony
results. And, crucially, they condemned
all dissent as abject racism. They
so over-reacted to rampant racism, militarism, fundamentalism and patriarchy that
they started to wonder if there was something dark lurking at the heart of
American culture. They became suspicious
of patriotism and religion and the military per
se, and even of the American people themselves. They adopted a host of problematic cultural attitudes
– post-patriotic, post-religious, post-color-blind, post-gender
– that were unpalatable to middle America.
They still pushed for programs to help workers – universal healthcare,
family leave – but they came to culturally mistrust the very people their
economic policies were designed to help.
And after a while they even abandoned those policies. Many became New Democrats like Bill Clinton,
promoting privatization and free trade and curtailing government programs. They rejected American culture from the left
and pro-worker policies from the right.
They became caricature anti-populists.
All these concerns come together perfectly on immigration. This is one issue on which conservative and
liberal ideologues agree: the more immigration, the better. Conservatives are happy to remove constraints
on the labor market, and consequently drive down wages and benefits. And their free-market dogmatism prevents them
from seeing the economic injury caused by flooding the market with cheap
labor. To them, resistance to
immigration can only be motivated by the lazy
and irresponsible desire to avoid honest competition, and nothing matters
more to a conservatives than allowing competition to prove one’s moral
worth. Meanwhile, liberals are eager to
prove their humanitarian virtue by rejecting any American immigration policy that might particularly benefit Americans. Their love for the foreign poor blinds them
to the damage done to their own countrymen.
Indeed, their cosmopolitan detachment protects them from any pedestrian concerns
about American workers or – grab the smelling salts! – American culture. To them, resistance to immigration can only
be motivated by racism, and nothing matters more to liberals than proving
they’re not racist. Conservatives have
no consideration for American workers as workers, but liberals have no
consideration for them as Americans.
And working people of all races are
starting to understand that the people running the country are not looking out
for them. Indeed, when you consider the
takeover of American politics by rich donors, it’s hard to escape the
conclusion that almost nothing constrains elites from pursuing policies that actively hurt working people. And history and ideology have conspired to
leave working people, and working whites particularly, with no responsible
leadership. Both conservatives and
liberals pretend to be populists during election time, and liberals even make half-hearted
attempts to help working people; but there is no political movement that fights
for the interests of American workers as
American workers. Indeed, elites
would condemn as vulgar and unrespectable any politics that was both patriotic
and pro-worker.
This is where the white middle and
working classes finds themselves. Liberals
have abandoned them to the gutter populism in which conservatives have so
cynically invited them to indulge. And behold
the result: Donald Trump, the genuine
gutter populist! Decades of gutter
populist propaganda, combined with genuine economic pain, and good
old-fashioned Puritan paranoia have left working whites bitter, angry and
desperate. Many of them are still
right-wing populists, fearing blacks and feminists and gays and Muslims. That hasn’t changed just because they now
perceive the damage that conservative policy has done them. That’s why they should gravely worry us. And following Trump won’t
exactly improve that.
Looking for a real leader |
But they love Donald Trump because
he perfectly speaks to their fear and desperation. He shares their deepest instincts: that it’s regular
working Americans who make America prosper, that America is strong and good and
our standing in the world should reflect that, that economic and political
elites have been ignoring those first two points, and at their peril. Unfortunately, he also shares their darker
instincts: that America is morally
superior to every other country, that regular Americans are the best people
in the world, particularly straight, white, Christian, male breadwinners. He’s been rightly called the American
id, the strutting embodiment of all those impulses. But part of the reason his shtick works so well
is that he’s little more than id himself!
He lacks a coherent ideology or set of policies because all he has are those nationalist
instincts and a gigantic, monumental, indestructible faith in both them and
himself. He’s not just looking out for working
white people, in cultural sensibility he is
them, but independent and strong enough to fight like hell. He’s not just a genuine gutter populist, he’s a determined
gutter populist. They delight in his irrepressible contempt
for decent
propriety. He’s the cocksure naughty
boy, breaking all the rules, smirking as the children cheer, and sneering
at the grownups who try to shame him. He
is the national will to tear everything down and dance on the rubble.
We may even see – God help us! – President Donald Trump if enough
independents feel sufficiently marginalized and desperate. But it need not have been this way. It’s conceivable – isn’t it? – that we could have had a constructive and
enlightened populism, one that picked itself up out of the gutter and fought
for the interests of all American
working people. Or does the damnable
intransigence of racial hostility make that impossible? Both conservatism and liberalism, in their
current forms, have eagerly exploited and exacerbated that hostility. Neither is capable of addressing the current
crisis, which is at bottom a crisis of political imagination. Both are too rigid, too wedded to blind and
implausible ideologies, too comfortable in their institutional power, too
removed from the realities of American life.
They fight their petty, scripted battles over the heights of American
society, while the foundation rots beneath their feet. They have become irrelevant.
It’s unclear where working whites
will go now. They broke with
conservatism when they came to understand that the system cannot be indifferent;
it can only work for them or against them.
That is, they now know – in their experience and in their bones – that
their economic condition is a function of more than just their own
actions. When they make this simple fact
an explicit doctrine and a rallying cry and an organizing principle then they
will have become full populists. What
they will do with that populism, whether it will be a force for preserving and
promoting the best of America, or whether it will degrade and destroy – we
don’t know yet. Only disaster can result
if they allow leaders like Trump to drag
them further
into the gutter. They have the potential
to become a powerful force for unmediated white
authoritarianism, and that’s an outcome too awful to contemplate.
If there is to be a constructive
populist alternative, an inclusive, color-blind, mature populism, it can
ultimately come only from a reconstructed liberalism. Bernie Sanders has taken liberalism halfway
there, with his stress on economic concerns over cultural ones, and his nascent
and inchoate economic nationalism. The
rupture between liberalism and white working people must be reconciled, and
that can only happen when liberals come to understand the centrality of our shared
American identity. And maybe a program
of working class unity could reduce racial tension. Maybe such a movement could address our actual
problems and offer real solutions. Maybe
it could remind us all who we are to each other, what we owe each other, and
what we can accomplish together. Maybe
it could elicit the better angels of our nature. And maybe, finally, it could tell us how we
can be healed.
Nice. Good variation on the "oh no, we've created a Frankenstein and can't control it" narrative, which is a cliche at this point. I see the hope you're espousing for a "genuine" populism (if only the angry white guys could acknowledge they have something in common with the occupy people and vice versa, etc.). Maybe, but I'm not holding my breath.
ReplyDeleteVery good post. However, regarding:
ReplyDelete"They rejected the heroic and hard task of assimilating blacks into the American mainstream and settled instead for the cheap tokenism of affirmative action. "
What are your ideas on how to work on this issue?
Three steps, two ideological and one programmatic:
Delete1. Liberals and minorities must accept that the only constructive solutions are color-blind, built upon our shared American culture, not upon antiquated, unsound notions of race. We must move past policies like affirmative action that divide us and embrace ones that express and reinforce our already-existing unity. For 40 years liberal policy has amounted to racial separatism (with just enough tokenism to assuage white liberal consciences).
2. Conservatives must accept that racism still exists and still powerfully undermines the prospects and lives of minorities. And they must accept that all of us, our entire country, has a responsibility to constructively address that. Current conservative policy toward blacks ranges from malign neglect to active hostility.
3. There must be public programs whose goal is to bring blacks into the mainstream, culturally and economically. I'll admit I'll have to leave this quite vague, and since the demise of the War on Poverty there have been precious little policy proposals aiming at this goal.
But 1 and 2 make clear why 3 will probably never happen. Both liberals and conservatives are so stuck in their ideological cocoons and self-serving animosities that there's almost no chance having such genuinely constructive policy.